
132 lines
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2014-02-17 13:33:46 +01:00
# Xilinx Core Generator version 11.1
# Date: Wed Mar 11 06:55:40 2009
# This file contains the customisation parameters for a
# Xilinx CORE Generator IP GUI. It is strongly recommended
# that you do not manually alter this file as it may cause
# unexpected and unsupported behavior.
# BEGIN Project Options
SET addpads = False
SET asysymbol = False
SET busformat = BusFormatAngleBracketNotRipped
SET createndf = False
SET designentry = vhdl
SET device = xc6slx45
SET devicefamily = spartan6
SET flowvendor = Foundation_ISE
SET formalverification = False
SET foundationsym = False
SET implementationfiletype = Ngc
SET package = csg324
SET removerpms = False
SET simulationfiles = Structural
SET speedgrade = -3
SET verilogsim = False
SET vhdlsim = False
# END Project Options
# BEGIN Select
SELECT ILA_(ChipScope_Pro_-_Integrated_Logic_Analyzer) family Xilinx,_Inc. 1.03.a
# END Select
# BEGIN Parameters
CSET component_name=ila
CSET counter_width_1=Disabled
CSET counter_width_10=Disabled
CSET counter_width_11=Disabled
CSET counter_width_12=Disabled
CSET counter_width_13=Disabled
CSET counter_width_14=Disabled
CSET counter_width_15=Disabled
CSET counter_width_16=Disabled
CSET counter_width_2=Disabled
CSET counter_width_3=Disabled
CSET counter_width_4=Disabled
CSET counter_width_5=Disabled
CSET counter_width_6=Disabled
CSET counter_width_7=Disabled
CSET counter_width_8=Disabled
CSET counter_width_9=Disabled
CSET data_port_width=256
CSET data_same_as_trigger=false
CSET enable_storage_qualification=true
CSET enable_trigger_output_port=false
CSET exclude_from_data_storage_1=true
CSET exclude_from_data_storage_10=true
CSET exclude_from_data_storage_11=true
CSET exclude_from_data_storage_12=true
CSET exclude_from_data_storage_13=true
CSET exclude_from_data_storage_14=true
CSET exclude_from_data_storage_15=true
CSET exclude_from_data_storage_16=true
CSET exclude_from_data_storage_2=true
CSET exclude_from_data_storage_3=true
CSET exclude_from_data_storage_4=true
CSET exclude_from_data_storage_5=true
CSET exclude_from_data_storage_6=true
CSET exclude_from_data_storage_7=true
CSET exclude_from_data_storage_8=true
CSET exclude_from_data_storage_9=true
CSET match_type_1=basic_with_edges
CSET match_type_10=basic
CSET match_type_11=basic
CSET match_type_12=basic
CSET match_type_13=basic
CSET match_type_14=basic
CSET match_type_15=basic
CSET match_type_16=basic
CSET match_type_2=basic
CSET match_type_3=basic
CSET match_type_4=basic
CSET match_type_5=basic
CSET match_type_6=basic
CSET match_type_7=basic
CSET match_type_8=basic
CSET match_type_9=basic
CSET match_units_1=1
CSET match_units_10=1
CSET match_units_11=1
CSET match_units_12=1
CSET match_units_13=1
CSET match_units_14=1
CSET match_units_15=1
CSET match_units_16=1
CSET match_units_2=1
CSET match_units_3=1
CSET match_units_4=1
CSET match_units_5=1
CSET match_units_6=1
CSET match_units_7=1
CSET match_units_8=1
CSET match_units_9=1
CSET max_sequence_levels=1
CSET number_of_trigger_ports=1
CSET sample_data_depth=1024
CSET sample_on=Rising
CSET trigger_port_width_1=2
CSET trigger_port_width_10=8
CSET trigger_port_width_11=8
CSET trigger_port_width_12=8
CSET trigger_port_width_13=8
CSET trigger_port_width_14=8
CSET trigger_port_width_15=8
CSET trigger_port_width_16=8
CSET trigger_port_width_2=8
CSET trigger_port_width_3=8
CSET trigger_port_width_4=8
CSET trigger_port_width_5=8
CSET trigger_port_width_6=8
CSET trigger_port_width_7=8
CSET trigger_port_width_8=8
CSET trigger_port_width_9=8
CSET use_rpms=true
# END Parameters
# CRC: eff89f81